The Fall of Ancient Keelyn – A Graphic Novel (2018)

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Keelyn was an ancient city in East Asia that has almost been forgotten. Nowadays people can barely find any online sources documenting her rise or fall.

When I was a child, my great-grandmother often enthusiastically described to me how impressive and colorful Keelyn used to be. As a carrier of this memory, I feel obliged to share these stories of the city. Earlier this year, I wrote an illustrated children’s book, based on my great-grandmother’s narrative, that describes the legendary fall of ancient Keelyn. Here is an excerpt from the book:

“People snatched every colored object as they marched through the city, until they reached its end, where a cow was drinking from the river. They dumped their collection of colors all together and formed a giant mountain, beside which every exhausted soul immediately fell asleep.”

I cannot compel you to believe the story, neither can I find sufficient primary sources to validate Keelyn’s existence. If anything I’ve said thus far intrigues you, you will not regret joining me as a memory carrier. So, here I present to you The Fall of Ancient Keelyn, and I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did when I was little.

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